Commited to

Service Excellence!

Mission Critical Facilities

Five Nine Design Group has worked in the mission critical industry for over 20 years. We know how important the reliable operation of every project is to your company’s success . We bring our vast experience and knowledge of mission critical facility design, engineering, and operation to every aspect of your project from the power distribution, cooling and emergency power and transfer systems, all the way down to the security, alarm, and monitoring systems. We are well versed in industry best practice, mission critical topology, redundancy, and the many options and levels available for the design of all the building systems that are so critical to the operation of these facilities.

Through our history in this market, our team has experience in delivering a wide variety of mission critical facilities including data centers, central offices, EOCs, industrial facilities, high voltage utility switch facilities, storm riders, transportation buildings, and government and military modernization/communication systems including MUOS, ELMR, SATCOM DOD, & I3MP.

Example Projects

Our commitment is to make all your projects a success by drawing on our industry experience while providing service excellence in the attainment of your project goals.